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A Master Crafts House & Attic Spaces Loaded with Details

Located in beautiful Harleston Village, this Carriage House was under construction when I first glanced at this amazing project.

Collaboration well under way between Bill Huey Architect, Renew Urban and the

American School of the Building Arts, my role was to help their new homeowner with the final details of color, lighting,

cabinetry and furnishings.

Stuc Pierre plaster, exposed brick and mortar, custom timber reclaimed beams, hand carved hand rails, and a cast stone fireplace were just a few of the fabulous details already in place; all made possible by the team of professors, students and Renew Urban.

Our client, relocating from New York City, single, handsome I might add, and ready to embrace a slightly slower pace of life in the heart of the historic city, turned me loose with a few likes and dislikes. Expecting many friends and family to visit, his 3rd floor guest rooms would need to reflect a fun and transitional space for them to enjoy.

DETAILS! I absolutely love how these attic bedrooms

and bath turned out!

Enjoy! Small spaces with fun personality!

Custom Patterned Headboards, Chinoiserie Dragon Lamp, Lacquered Chest, Rice Patterned Door Hardware, Penny Rounds and caged ceiling fan are just a few details that complete this space.​

A Headboard fabricated from Reclaimed Pallet wood,

Stacked Horned Lamps, Zinc Chests, Rice Patterned Door Hardware,

a caged ceiling fan and an oil painting of a vintage boat

sum this space up. Toes are also happy on the patriotic rug,

not to mention a special dormer with a

view of the Wentworth Mansion :-)

Photography by Hunter McRae

For the Love of Details!


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